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Government Contract Invoice Factoring

Gov't Contract Factoring

  • Cash in as little as 24 hours
  • Funding up to $15M
  • Rates as low as 0.5% *

The Importance of Government Contract Factoring

Large government contracts often present a great money making opportunity for your company, but payment can be slow. How frustrating to be awarded a large contract only to realize it could potentially compromise your cash flow and prohibit on time payment to employees and suppliers. With government contract factoring, it could make the difference between accepting or turning down a great opportunity.

Is invoice factoring more complex for government contracts?

You went through a lot to even be considered for a government contract. Factoring your invoices will seem like a breeze in comparison. You can rely on our extensive knowledge when it comes to dealing with government contract funding. We have a team of experts who have a deep understanding of how to navigate through the government process that allow us to factor your invoices.

Can large individual invoices prohibit government contract factoring?

Many accounts receivable factoring companies do not offer financing for government contractors because individual invoice amounts can be high. This is the very reason you are looking for invoice factoring! Bay View Funding specializes in providing invoice factoring services for this sector, and has three decades of experience with both federal and state government contracts.

If you are considering invoice factoring for government contracts are we speaking to you?

  • Start up company with a contract ready to go but no financing from the bank
  • Established company experiencing slow payment, which is hindering taking on any new contracts
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*rates subject to change