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Can Social Media Help Recruit Talent for your Staffing Agency?

Posted by Seth Herman on Fri, Jun 19, 2015 @ 08:00 AM

If you are interested in looking for candidates who have an understanding of how social media can benefit not only their ability to communicate socially, but to find a better job, you may want to consider the many benefits social media has to offer. social_media_staffing_agency

There is a multitude of effective ways of incorporating social media to leverage your company. It is more than likely that you are already utilizing the services offered by companies such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. It is important to find ways to distinguish your company from the plethora of other companies attempting to do the same thing as you. Are you aware of all the ways to go about attracting the right talent? 

An understanding of how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works is often assumed. For those who are not so SEO savvy, it is worth reviewing some of the fundamentals. Have you incorporated keywords, with links on your company profile that help candidates and companies find you? Include the same keywords in the profiles of your employees. It is useful to understand how people search. Google AdWords offers an excellent way to check if you are using the optimum keywords for your specialization. 

When considering LinkedIn specifically, research the LinkedIn applications that help enhance your profile and networking. You can display samples of your work on your profile and link to or upload images, presentations, videos and documents. Take the time to research relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions and join in. This way you can find out what your competition is up to, and also offer advice. There are many established large groups, but also smaller niche groups that may fit your company profile better. You also have the option of creating your own group and reaching out to other industry professionals and candidates alike. 

Twitter can be used as an effective recruiting tool, helping to identify potential candidates. In a blog on Inc. Tiffany Black explains how to use Twitter to find your next hire. She suggests being clear that you are using your Twitter account to share available jobs and companies that are hiring. Keep your message to the point since you only have 140 characters available. Use hash tags (#) that are relevant such as #recruiting #hiring #career #staffing. If you search trending hash tags in your specialty field you can find out what is trending and being discussed at any given time. There are also companies such as Jobvite that can help by offering recruitment applications for social media. 

The correct use of favorite sites such Facebook and Instagram can send messages to people about exciting things happening in your corporate world. Clever tweets that can be shared help generate a following. There are new social media options popping up regularly. A little research into what applications people are using can pay huge dividends, and encourage people to get excited about your brand and the opportunities you offer.

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