We are all aware of the drop in fuel prices, and the inherent benefit this brings to the general consumer. However, it is worth examining both the pros and cons of these lower prices when it comes to commercial transportation.
Posted by Seth Herman on Wed, Jan 21, 2015 @ 10:01 AM
We are all aware of the drop in fuel prices, and the inherent benefit this brings to the general consumer. However, it is worth examining both the pros and cons of these lower prices when it comes to commercial transportation.
Topics: Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies, Freight Factoring for Trucking Companies, Transportation Factoring
Posted by Gil Oliva on Fri, Jul 11, 2014 @ 08:00 AM
While freight bill factoring is a great way to receive immediate cash flow for work completed, the fuel advance program allows you to pay for much needed fuel while on the road, prior to completion of work. This is particularly useful if you are a small to medium trucking company with a cash flow shortage.
Topics: Cash Flow Solution, Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies, Freight Factoring for Trucking Companies, Fuel Advance Factoring for Trucking Companies
Posted by Gil Oliva on Wed, Nov 13, 2013 @ 07:15 AM
With freight bill factoring, discounts are available at the pump. You can manage your expenses with an FTS fuel card.
It is a constant challenge to manage and control fuel costs for your fleet. Steady cash flow means less need to worry about fuel costs, and factoring your accounts receivable can certainly help with this, however if paying for fuel can become a little easier, this is an added tool that can work in your favor.
Why should you consider a discount fuel card on top of using freight bill factoring for your accounts receivables? And why is it such a benefit?
Topics: Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies, Trucking Factoring
Posted by Gil Oliva on Mon, Jun 10, 2013 @ 08:36 AM
Have you worried about being unable to fuel your fleet with gas because of slow or delayed payment on your current invoices?
Topics: Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies, About Invoice Factoring, Trucking Factoring
Posted by Gil Oliva on Tue, Feb 26, 2013 @ 09:44 AM
Topics: Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies, Trucking Factoring, Financing Government Contractors, factoring freight
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