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4 Advantages of Invoice Factoring

Posted by Gil Oliva on Tue, Dec 06, 2016 @ 08:02 AM

Almost a decade after the 2008 stock market crash, some lending institutions are still conservative with lending. Maintaining any size business requires a steady cash flow and many small to large-sized businesses have tight budgets. For many businesses struggling to make ends meet, the barrier may not be a lack of motivation – it could be a lack of capital.

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Topics: Cash Flow, Cash Advance, Cash Flow management, Invoice collection

Do you Need Help Turning Unpaid Invoices into Cash?

Posted by Gil Oliva on Fri, Apr 17, 2015 @ 08:12 AM

Invoice collection is never a fun task. Many companies have a department dedicated to the onerous task, but for some it may be a one-man show. The many responsibilities undertaken by small business owners can sometimes take their toll. Faster payment obviously increases cash flow so what can be done to encourage faster payment? Let’s consider some tips to make the process easier.  

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Topics: Alternative Financing, Cash Flow Solution, commercial funding, Invoice collection

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