There are times when a company will contact a factor believing they are in great shape to finance their accounts receivable, in other words, to use their invoices to generate cash flow. One of the first phases in the factoring process is to establish a viable relationship. Sometimes the answer is not what the company wants to hear.
This begs the question, Why am I unable to factor my invoices? There is a general misconception that invoice factoring is easily obtained and it is simple to qualify when a cash flow crisis arises, but not in every circumstance. Why should the answer be no?
While, generally speaking, it can be easier to obtain invoice factoring than it is to establish a loan or line of credit at the bank, the factor will still be looking to make sure your company finances are in good shape.
As part of the invoice factoring process, the factor will initially establish your financial objectives. Obviously you are looking to alleviate cash flow issues but the factor will want to determine exactly why. This is where the initial paperwork comes into play.
There are many articles written about invoice factoring being an excellent choice if your company credit history is less than perfect. While it is true that the factor looks at your customer’s credit rather than your own, this is not the only part of the equation.