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What Is the Cost of Invoice Factoring?

Posted by Gil Oliva on Wed, Jun 12, 2019 @ 11:28 AM

Invoice factoring provides businesses with quick cash they can use to invest in expansion or cover expenses. However, business owners often wonder if it’s the most cost-effective way to obtain funding. Here’s a breakdown of the process, a comparison of recourse and non-recourse factoring, and a look at factoring fees.


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Topics: About Invoice Factoring, Cash Flow management, Invoice Factoring Costs, Invoice factoring

Four Things to Look for in an Invoice Factoring Company

Posted by Gil Oliva on Tue, Feb 07, 2017 @ 07:06 AM

When you are ready to expand your business or need help resolving cash flow issues, invoice factoring may be your best option. Upon deciding to use invoice factoring, the next crucial element is determining which company will work best for your business. The factoring company you choose will impact the entire experience you have with the service, from the application process to customer support. Here are some tips on how to choose the right factoring company.

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Topics: Alternative Financing, The Benefits of Invoice Factoring, Invoice Factoring Costs, Invoice factoring

I am considering invoice factoring, but what will it cost me?

Posted by Gil Oliva on Thu, May 09, 2013 @ 05:30 AM

Invoice Factoring Costs

So you are thinking about invoice factoring, but have questions about cost? 

What may often spring to mind is many hidden fees with no real long-term benefit.  Let’s dispel this myth and reveal some truths concerning factoring and the related price tag.

Here are five facts about invoice factoring:

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Topics: The Benefits of Invoice Factoring, About Invoice Factoring, Invoice Factoring Costs

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