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Sales Challenges Facing Staffing Firms in 2015

Posted by Seth Herman on Fri, May 01, 2015 @ 08:00 AM

Identifying potential obstacles to sales for your staffing firm is a helpful tool when it comes to being prepared for the future. Bullhorn, a company specializing in customer relationship management software, produced an excellent infographic that tackles the sales challenges your staffing firm could face in 2015

Staffing Firm challengesBullhorn, along with one of their marketplace partners, InsightSquared, conducted a study, and using the results, compiled the 3 major obstacles staffing firms anticipate for 2015. The infographic breaks down the respondents in terms of job title, reported revenue, recruitment type and size of sales team. The good news is that 100% of respondents expect their businesses to stay stable or grow this year. 

So what are the 3 challenges those surveyed stated as most likely to limit growth? 

  1. Expanding and diversifying the client base
  2. Growing, training and managing the sales team
  3. Finding and recruiting qualified candidates 

How are these companies meeting the challenges? According to the infographic, they are putting programs in place that: 

  • Reduce the time it takes to train new hires
  • Streamline sales, by meeting regularly to review sales performance
  • Track performance more closely
  • Tailor their sales strategy 

Over 75 percent of respondents listed the same three challenges. Matthew Kosinski, online editor for, conducted an email interview with Randy DeHaan, head of the staffing and recruiting division at InsightSquared to find out a little more about the survey. The interview discusses the results in a little more detail, and also mentions other challenges not covered in the survey. Among them, DeHann believes, is the importance of differentiation. In a crowded space such as the staffing and recruiting industry, finding a quantifiable way to differentiate is going to help tremendously when it comes to growth. 

According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), Staffing and recruiting industry growth is outpacing economic growth. There is every indication that it is time to grow! The opportunities are there for the taking for your company. Attention to addressing the possible challenges, and following through with a well thought out plan should go a long way successful growth for your staffing firm.

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Topics: Business Growth, Staffing Industry, American Staffing Association

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