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3 Tips to Recruiting and Keeping your Temporary Experts

Posted by Seth Herman on Wed, Feb 18, 2015 @ 01:29 PM

Job skills- staffing companiesWhen it comes to encouraging your temporary experts, especially in fields like Information Technology, to return to your agency, are you catering correctly to your customers and providing exactly what they need? If you are, those IT experts will count on you to provide the best opportunities.

  1. Make sure you are able to pass a rigorous screening process from your customers. 

This is a testament to your ability to provide the best service. The length of time you have been in the industry as a company, as well as the type of customers you work with on a regular basis all comes into play. Try to ensure you are communicating with the senior decision makers so they are able to assess your abilities to provide the type of technical or expert staff they are looking for. Understand the specific roles so you only put forward individuals that are totally capable of fulfilling specific requirements. Your candidates don’t want to waste their time any more than your customers. Sometimes, the degree of difficulty you also apply to how you screen your prospects encourages those experts to return to your agency since they know they have passed the tests to qualify for the more technical roles available. You are ultimately evaluated by the strength of your temporary staff, so it really is vital to keep them coming back for more. 

  1. Don’t shortchange your staff

Obviously, as an agency, you make a percentage of money from each placement, but make sure you are paying fairly. Many IT or technical roles are complex, and as such the hourly rate needs to be a little higher. Well-qualified IT experts know their market value, and will look elsewhere if they feel shortchanged by your agency. If you are paying your technical staff well below the rate you are charging your customers they will provide the level of service commensurate to their salary. A large disparity could leave both staff and customers unhappy. 

  1. Be honest about your abilities to provide services to your customers 

As tempting as it may be to take on a new customer that is a major player in the marketplace, consider whether those individuals on your roster match up to the positions offered. Again it is about keeping both customers and individuals happy. Technical employees that are out of their depth in a key IT role will soon be replaced, leading to a less than stellar reputation for your company in the market. It is not always easy to assess your level of service, but is simply important to make sure the environment and the personnel within it fit well together. Similarly, overqualified individuals can ruin your reputation by feeling disgruntled with the work they are asked to perform. 

Of course, we constantly refer to the importance of on-time payment to your roster of temporary staff. If they are happy in their various placements, but are not being paid on time, they will most likely not return for more work. This is true no matter how well matched they are to the position, or how happy they are. Make sure, also that you are able to survive through difficult times, when there a fewer positions than candidates. Temporary staff will soon move on if they are not regularly able to find new temporary positions. 

Invoice factoring can help temporary staffing agencies to grow by providing money today for invoices due to be paid in the future. Once you have established a relationship with your factoring company, you can receive money in as little as 24 hours after submitting invoices. Bay View Funding excels in the area of payroll funding for staffing companies, and can supply funds up to two days faster than many of their competitors offering a similar service. 

With staffing and recruiting industry growth outpacing economic growth, it’s time to employ the best and continue to grow your company.

Learn more about our Payroll Advance program

Topics: About Invoice Factoring, Payroll Advance Program for Staffing Agencies, Temporary Staffing Agency Financing

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