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Bay View Funding Works with Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in San Jose

Posted by Aaron Zahedani on Fri, Jun 13, 2014 @ 08:18 AM

Working with local organizations is beneficial to everyone, and Bay View Funding is enjoying collaborating with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in San Jose to help educate members about invoice factoring as an alternative, and effective source of accounts receivable funding.

BVF_blog_Business_2_BusinessThe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley is committed to helping maximize Hispanic business by being the voice for Hispanic and minority businesses. Richard Olson, Northern Area Business Development Manager at Bay View Funding, was honored to contribute to this educational process at the annual “Small Business Summit 2014.” The event was sponsored by Wells Fargo, and targeted four hundred small businesses operating in Santa Clara County. Small business owners attended many educational workshops throughout the day. A plethora of local businesses and organizations also contributed to the event, providing refreshments as well as online marketing tools, topics and networking opportunities.

Richard Olson sat on the three-party panel for the workshop, “Access to Capital.” The topic addressed the many different forms of financing available for small businesses today. Both traditional and alternative funding options were discussed as tools to help small businesses acquire capital in order to sustain and grow their business. Robert Reckis of Wells Fargo Bank, and Maximo Robles of Kiva joined Richard Olson on the panel. The mix of bank financing from Wells Fargo, invoice factoring from Bay View Funding, and alternative funding from the international micro-investment firm, Kiva, offered an excellent mix of options for attendees.

With over forty years of experience working in traditional and alternative forms of financing, Richard was able to stress the importance of cash flow management and that the number one reason for business failure today is a lack of working capital. He explained how working capital could be managed using invoice factoring. His presentation included an overview of alternative financial solutions for start-ups as well as for businesses that would not typically qualify for traditional forms of financing. Richard was able to provide the small businesses that attended, with the option of an effective and reliable financial solution to working capital management.

The overall response to the presentation both during and afterwards substantiated Olson’s message that “cash flow matters” and that the small business communities of today have a need that can, in many cases, be addressed by the invoice factoring expertise provided by companies such as Bay View Funding.

Bay View Funding is headquartered in Santa Clara and strongly believes in helping the surrounding community. The team of financial experts is passionate about invoice factoring, and how it can provide an excellent source of accounts receivable financing for many industries, including staffing, distribution, manufacturing, government contracting, oil and gas, trucking and wholesale. Bay View Funding has been providing invoice factoring services to businesses – in a wide range of industries – for more than three decades.

Learn more about Accounts Receivable Financing

Topics: Alternative Financing, Cash Flow Solution, Bay Area Community Involvement, Financing Government Contractors

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