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Invoice Factoring - Your business is growing, are you ready?

Posted by Gil Oliva on Wed, May 29, 2013 @ 09:31 AM

Business Growth

Your business is growing rapidly and that is exactly what you want, but are your customers paying on time and are you financially ready for growth?  Managing your cash flow is the key to success.  Expansion is excellent, but it also means there is always something more youneed to pay for, such as:

  • Increased headcount
  • Leasing or purchasing bigger premises
  • Increased overhead costs
  • Rental of more equipmentBusiness growth

How Invoice Factoring can help manage your cash flow:

The factoring company considers your outstanding invoices, money that already belongs to you.  This is not money that you will owe to the bank in the form of a loan, it is money that is essentially yours – you earned it, so why not put it to use?

Traditional financing means taking out a loan on the promise of earnings in the future.  The money you borrow obviously has to be paid back.  Your future earnings are projected rather than guaranteed, and banks are looking for a sure bet before lending money to your business.

Cash flow can be accelerated through a factoring company, with less paperwork required than a conventional loan. You are providing the factoring company with proof of income rather than projected income.

A healthy cash flow can make the difference between what you have accomplished, and what you project to accomplish.  Invoice factoring offers your business the helping hand it needs to be successful, and often can provide the answer to success.

Turn your paper invoices into capital now, and keep the cash flowing

Bay View Funding Number

Topics: Cash Flow Solution, Business Growth, The Benefits of Invoice Factoring, Solving Cash Flow Problems, About Invoice Factoring, Financing Government Contractors

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