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Freight Bill Factoring – 3 Tips to Tap Into Hidden Profits

Posted by Aaron Zahedani on Wed, Jul 31, 2013 @ 05:45 AM

Valuable Insurance Reminders & Freight Bill Factoring freight bill factoring - truck image

How are you maintaining a healthy profit margin? What is preventing you from increasing your financial goals? In this blog we will tap into some valuable insurance tips that you may want to consider as an avenue to increased profits.

Sometimes profit is hidden in places we forget to look. Here are a few ideas that may sound simple but could help you reap big rewards. Often we get caught up in the day-to-day process, wearing multiple hats and chasing critical deadlines. What are often left untouched are the simple tasks as they slip to the bottom of the list. Why not take a moment to explore some simple tips to help you through the insurance maze?

  • Revisit and review your insurance policies every six months - Make sure you are getting the best value for money. There are many smart ways to reduce your insurance costs when obtaining a new quote or updating your information with your current agent. 

  • Buy a policy that specifically fits your company - Spending a bit of time carefully considering what it is that you need rather than purchasing a policy that promises to cover everything, but may not deliver at that critical moment when you come to make a claim. It is always helpful to check with the experts, and examine some of the myths and facts when deciding what is important to your company. 

  • Check out tips and tricks for the best commercial insurance policy - It is always good to take a bit of time to consider all your options. An invaluable resource is a Commercial Truck Insurance Cheat Sheet where you can find tips and tricks to the best rates and also information on insurance requirements that may have slipped through the net. Do you know, for example, what level of insurance you are legally obliged to purchase? 

Insurance is a necessity, we know we need it, but we don’t always enjoy dealing with it or even thinking about it. Trucking insurance can be a confusing maze of many customized coverages and exclusions. Taking some time to thoroughly explore your insurance options can help you discover those hidden profits that you may have missed along the way.

It is all about making the right choices to keep your vehicles on the road, your drivers covered, and keeping the impact on your premiums to a minimum. In addition to tips on how to keep insurance costs as low as possible, The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is a great resource for all things related to safety!

While you are reviewing your profit strategy, call us today about including freight bill factoring in your plans.


Topics: Cash Flow, Trucking Factoring, Freight Bill Factoring

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