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Financing Options - Exploring Loans and Grants

Posted by Gil Oliva on Fri, Sep 20, 2013 @ 06:45 AM

invoice factoringHave you considered applying for a grant? Do you understand the options available to your specific industry or where to look? 

The plethora of possibility in terms of loans, grants and alternative financing can be totally overwhelming when looking for options to increase cash flow. Every circumstance calls for a different set of parameters to help you decide which is right for you. 

A business loan may be extremely effective for your business, but remember there are many steps involved. Many new and small business loans require much of the information listed below: 

  • Personal background details

  • Information based on business experience

  • Business plan

  • Personal and business credit reports

  • Income tax returns

  • Financial, and bank statements

  • Collateral

  • Legal documents

Once you have all of this information together, you will be in good shape to apply for the many varieties of small business loans that are available. Explore the business loan checklist for more detail on the reasons the above list of items is necessary. 

Grants are most certainly an option when looking for small business funding. SBA.Gov is a great resource for finding many different types of grants that help small businesses start and grow their operations. They include low-interest loans, venture capital, and scientific and economic development grants.  Check out the loans and grants tool for an extensive list of financing programs for which you may qualify. So what exactly is a grant? 

  • A monetary gift or endowment awarded to start up or expanding businesses

  • A grant does not have to be repaid but is much harder to qualify for than other forms of finance

  • The requirements are rigid and must be strictly followed

  • Grants are normally designed for specific types of business

It is important to understand that the federal government only offers grants to non-profit and educational organizations. Most grants are to be found through corporations who encourage small business growth and economic development. Local government and non-profit groups also offer grants within their local community. If you can qualify for a grant, it is obviously a wonderful option for your business! 

Small Businesses continue to be the backbone of our economy. New jobs are created by new businesses, and therefore small business and business startups need to be able to access credit. The possibilities for funding are beginning to open up as banks are starting to lend more than in previous years. However, a bank loan still requires a tremendous amount of work. 

Factoring your accounts receivable is certainly a viable option when it comes to helping develop your small business or start-up. Factoring your accounts receivable allows you to receive a large percentage of your money when you need it, up front! Invoice factoring can be a long term solution, as well as the key to increasing your revenue, growing your business and helping you to qualify for traditional loans if that is the direction in which you decide to go.      

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