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3 Tips to Temporary Staffing Employee Happiness

Posted by Gil Oliva on Fri, Dec 20, 2013 @ 07:15 AM

We are in the middle of another seasonal peak, and the demand for temporary staffing is high. How do you keep your trusted employees happy?

 temporary staffing employment

The temporary staffing setting is obviously somewhat different from a regular work environment. Since your employees are working at different companies, the feeling of office unity will rarely be the same. You will always experience employees who are looking for permanent jobs and are using the temporary staffing environment as a stepping-stone, but what about the employees you rely upon to keep your company successful? 

  • Encourage strong performance with competitive pay and an open door policy. Your temporary staff base is the heart of your organization. Your turnover may sometimes be high, especially at peak times of the year, but if you are known as an agency that pays above the curve for employees that are committed and reliable, you will have access to the more conscientious people. Favorable feedback from those companies you service means they will keep returning to you to provide the best temporary staff. Not only this, they will suggest your company to their clients who are looking for temporary staff.Clearly define your office procedures and processes from the outset. Motivation is great but should be coupled with clear guidelines and expectations. Fuzzy lines can be confusing and interrupt positive energy. Ask for feedback and keep the lines of communication open at all times. Do not be discouraged by any negative feedback, rather embrace it and address issues to keep everyone motivated and on the right track.
  • Provide extra compensation to encourage a strong work ethic. Paying well goes a long way, but look at other incentives that go hand in hand with a competitive pay scale. Your employees may not be coming into your office every day, but if they feel secure about compensation, they will remain loyal. Providing health benefits and vacation time, after a certain period, are common extras, but you may want to offer other compensation incentives such as a travel allowance or a stipend towards lunches. Reward those employees who really stand out with regular pay increases and bonuses.
  • Promote group activities and get to know your employees. Your staff will obviously be working in different offices during the day, but try to plan some time to really get to know everyone. A personal touch goes a long way to encouraging employees to stay with your company. It is not just referrals from your clients that are important; you want your staff to refer people also. Weekly gatherings, and seasonal events are opportunities for everyone to bond as a company. Remember birthdays and milestone events and make a conscientious effort to reach out, a small gesture can go a long way. Once the word is out that your organization is fun to work for you will see an increase in the number of people submitting resumes for consideration.

Receiving paychecks on time is an obvious and fundamental motivator for everyone. Bay View Funding has worked with staffing companies for many years and offers an excellent solution for cash flow management. Factor your invoices and receive the funds you need to always make payroll on time. Talk to us also about our payroll advance program, which is particularly useful during the seasonal push for more temporary staff. Find out how invoice factoring can help staffing agencies.

Learn more about ourPayroll Advance program

Topics: Cash Flow Solution, Payroll Funding for Staffing Companies, About Invoice Factoring

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