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Reaching Millennials: A Staffing Guide

Posted by Gil Oliva on Mon, Jun 24, 2019 @ 10:47 AM

Invoice factoring for staffing companiesBy 2020, almost half of all workers in the United States will be millennials, individuals born between 1980 and 2004. Millennials are distinct from other generations having grown up in the internet age, with information technology that was not available to previous generations shaping their unique interests and motivations. This means that strategies that worked for recruiting previous generations may no longer be as effective for securing the top talent. Staffing businesses that adapt to millennials’ needs are more likely to attract this team-oriented and tech-savvy group of candidates.

Adapt Recruiting Strategies

Analyze where job seekers are likely to find your staffing business based on your industry. Make sure sites you post to are mobile-friendly, since millennials, while more likely to be reading, are less likely to be searching on a computer or in print ads, and more likely to be searching on a mobile device. Some of the most-used online search engines for job hunting include Indeed and Monster, and social media platforms like Facebook and Linkedin.

Update your application process so candidates can apply online. If millennials aren’t coming to you, encourage recruiters to seek them out.

Examine Company Culture

Before millennials consider applying with a company, they conduct online research. They want to know what it’s like to work for your company based on the reviews of current and former employees. If current staff feels that an organization empowers them to reach their professional goals and provides challenging work that allows them to be a part of something good, it motivates millennials to want to take part.

Millennials want to join an organization that is driven by purpose and has a positive impact on society. If a business supports nonprofits, volunteers locally, or contributes to scientific research, millennials are generally more likely to be interested. Many of them may even dream of one day holding a leadership role and are attracted to companies that offer training and promotion opportunities that might help them realize that goal.

Check employee reviews on sites like Glassdoor to see current feedback. If some of it is negative, begin to address the issues causing dissatisfaction. Does employee experience align with your agency’s values? Conduct anonymous internal surveys to see where employees feel their job is a good opportunity and where the agency has room to improve.

Offer Attractive Benefits

Millennials like money, but they aren’t as motivated by retirement investment packages or other traditional benefits as previous generations. They would rather achieve a work-life balance than work longer hours for a large bonus. They are typically more attracted to jobs that include perks like:

  • Flexible time off – Instead of offering a set number of vacation and sick days, allow employees to use that time however they choose. If they want an afternoon to practice a hobby, they don’t have to wait for December vacation days.
  • Student loan repayment – Many millennials have a mountain of college debt. They often choose employers that help them pay it off.
  • Flexible hours – Some employees of all ages are less productive in the early morning or late afternoon. Flexible scheduling can help employees work when they’re at their best.


When it comes to staffing, finding the right talent gives your business an edge. Invoice factoring can provide cash to staffing agencies looking to implement strategies to attract millennial workers. Learn more when you contact Bay View Funding today.

Apply online or call for more information

Topics: Payroll Funding for Staffing Companies, Factoring Accounts Receivable, Staffing Industry, Invoice factoring

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