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My Business needs a Cash Flow Injection - Invoice Factoring explained

Posted by Gil Oliva on Wed, Nov 12, 2014 @ 08:00 AM

I very much enjoyed chatting with Jesus McDonald about putting prospective customers at ease when they call Bay View Funding with questions regarding invoice factoring and how it could help meet the cash flow needs of their company. 

BayviewGuide_IFGuide_IconJesus is one of the valued team members at Bay View Funding who is often the first point of contact when an individual from a business calls in to find out a little more about factoring. He is obviously experienced at explaining the process, but can direct calls to the necessary experts should the questions be of a more detailed nature. But he does admit that many calls are from businesses that don’t understand invoice factoring. In this case, of course the concept of factoring can be explained with the aid of tutorials, or other helpful links from the website, but the vast majority of the time he walks through the process with the prospective customer. The most import thing is that anyone who contacts Bay View Funding leaves with a better understanding of what invoice factoring is all about and if it is good a solution for their business. 

I asked what to expect if I was to call in. Jesus reiterated that he would initially ask if I was familiar with invoice factoring, and then gather basic information from me, as well as my specific industry, since there are special programs attached to many industry specific solutions, specifically when it comes to transportation factoring, and staffing agency financing. Important qualifiers for my company would be a little more specific, but cover monthly sales volumes and a rough idea of the amount of accounts receivable to be considered for invoice factoring. 

The website for Bay View Funding is filled with a myriad of useful links, and pages, such as the FAQ page which really does tackle questions like the value of invoice factoring as a financing tool, and if your business can qualify for factoring even with a bad credit history. There is a plethora of blogs to reference, as well as an excellent Process Guide, covering the steps from initial contact to your first funding. A great place to find all of the information is on the resources page

If you are interested in learning how to solve your business cash flow challenges in 3-5 days, consider the useful guide the Bay View Funding team is now also offering.

Cash Flow Solution - Free Guide

Topics: About Invoice Factoring, Trucking Factoring, Temporary Staffing Agency Financing

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