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Top reasons to go to a Staffing Agency to Land the Perfect Job

Posted by Gil Oliva on Wed, Apr 22, 2015 @ 08:00 AM

Whether you are just starting to look for employment, or are in transition and are still searching for the perfect job, working for a temporary staffing agency may help you to land the perfect position. 

Temporary staffing agencies find staff for companies who need positions filled on a short-term basis, or for a contracted period of time. They are a major contributor to the economy, and offer a bridge to permanent employment. They allow the employee to discover what it is they really want from a full time role, and which industry is the right fit. 

So how can temporary employment help? Staffing Agencies

Deciding if the industry/job is right for you – Exposure to varied positions in different companies will help you to decide the best fit for you in terms of company culture. It also gives you the opportunity to explore different fields of work that you may not previously have considered. 

Receiving the training needed to succeed - Many temporary staffing agencies offer training to get you up to speed on the latest versions of software, such as Excel, QuickBooks, or more technical applications. They offer testing to make sure you are prepared for the positions available. All this can help with temporary positions, and help build specific knowledge once you are ready to find a permanent role.   

Transitioning to a permanent role – Working on a temporary basis allows you to demonstrate your abilities. Sometimes, temporary positions can turn into full time employment if the fit is right, and there is an opening. Of course, you must always let the temporary agency know you will be accepting full time employment. In some cases, you may have your heart set on working for a specific employer, but are struggling to find a permanent position in the company. Temporary work with the employer can potentially give you the exposure to be hired on a permanent basis. 

Preparing for a new work direction – You may have a small amount of experience in one particular field; enough to take a part time position, but not enough to be considered for a full time role.  Each part time position allows you to build on your skills until you are ready to take on a full-time role. 

Finding full time work in a volatile job market is not always easy. While temporary work may not be what you had in mind, it gives you the flexibility to keep looking for full time employment, as well as avoiding a long break in employment between permanent jobs. Future employers would rather see part time work on your resume than no work at all.  The American Staffing Association (ASA) offers sage advice to both temporary staffing agencies and those seeking employment. 

Signing up with a reputable temporary staffing agency gives you the edge when it comes to temporary employment placement. Companies that have established themselves in the business will have an exemplary reputation for providing all the help you need to be successful. Since it is the staffing agency that will be paying your salary, make sure they have a good rapport with the companies hiring them, and are able to consistently pay on time. Knowing that they can find you the sort of positions you are looking for will keep you returning for the next temporary opening.

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Topics: Temporary Staffing Agency Financing, Staffing Industry, Temporary Employment

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